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  Dragging yourself back into work on a Monday after an eventful weekend is probably one of the hardest things the working person can force themselves to do. Have you ever wanted to know how you can make that trip back to the work force on a Monday a little less depressing? Follow these eight Steps, and help make your Mondays a lot better!


  1. Pack Your Favorite Lunch


  Something to help you get through your day is to simply pack or order out your favorite lunch. By doing this, it gives you something to look forward to for the first part of your day, and it will help make you feel better during the last half of your day! It’s simple and effective.


  2. Play Some Upbeat Music


  Need some extra motivation during work? Put on some upbeat music, and let it lift your mood. Music is pretty well known for altering moods, and if you’re in a slump, some peppy music should help lift your spirits. Try not to let the music affect your workflow, though. There is nothing worse than getting caught in the middle of a “One Man Dance Party” when there is something you should be doing.

  工作中需要一些额外的动力?播放一些欢快的音乐来提升你的情绪。众所周知,音乐对于改善情绪特别有效。如果你情绪低落,一些欢快的音乐应该有助于振奋精神。不过不要让音乐影响了你的工作流程。当你有事情需要做时却沉浸在“One Man Dance Party”的音乐中,没有比这更糟糕的了。

  3. Plan a Special Evening After Work


  Planning a Special Evening after work is another good way to help you get over that Monday slump. Either a night out with some good friends, or a date night with the one you love is something — just make time after work for yourself. This is another way to give you something to look forward to throughout your work day.


  4. Make a Schedule


  If you can at least make a schedule for your Monday, and stick to it, it’ll make it a lot easier to get through it. There is nothing worse than trying to go through a dreadful day with no direction, so a schedule can give you some sort of direction of work flow. Try not to get too fancy with it, though. You do not want to overload yourself, especially in the beginning of the week.


  5. Hit the Gym


  A nice workout can help you shake away the weekend cloud, and get your mind right for the week ahead. It can boost your energy and make you feel good about yourself, making your Monday a lot more enjoyable.


  6. Prioritize your work


  If you go into work with a bunch of work on your desk, try to prioritize your workflow, to make it easier to get done. Try to keep your Monday work simple if you can, so you are not overloading yourself on the first day during the week.


  7. Prepare for it with a lazy Sunday


  The best way you can beat Monday blues is with a lazy Sunday. Rather than trying to do all of your housework, yard work, etc. on Sunday, spend that day relaxing either alone, or with your family. You work hard, so you deserve to do nothing every now and then. By doing this, you’ve given yourself a whole day to rest up for your Monday, and chances are it’ll make your whole week a lot easier as well.


  8. Pre-plan for the weekend


  Even though it may seem like a long time away, but start planning your weekend fun early. Again, it will give you something to look forward to, and to work towards all week.


  For best results possible, try combining some of these tips together, and maximize your Monday. Try to not let your Mondays get the best of you. Think of it as a new week of opportunity, and you want to start it strong right off of the start.



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