
90岁奶奶环游世界18年 年龄真的不是问题

阅读 :

  Meet Mary Lou Mahaney, a 90-year-old retiree from Silver Spring, Maryland, who is probably the coolest grandma ever.


  She’s traveled to every continent and visited over 100 countries. She’s also done some seriously adventurous things.


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  Chugging wine directly from the bottle because they were taking forever to bring her a glass – Germany, 2014


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  ATVing in the desert – Namibia, 2010


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  In a manwich, before performing a traditional dance with locals – Panama, 2011。


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  No big deal, just playing with some lions – Botswana, 2010


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  Showing everyone her carving skills – Argentina, 2012


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本文标题:90岁奶奶环游世界18年 年龄真的不是问题 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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