
最短历史教材 8句英文概括世界历史

阅读 :

  希腊 -- 从古代文明到经济危机

  We did bunch of shit for mankind like 10,000 years ago. Now we are bankrupt


  意大利 -- 从罗马帝国到时尚名牌

  We were really important, but now we make shoes.


  英国 -- 要不是波士顿倾茶事件,北美还是我们滴

  Had the largest empire ever, but lost it due to drinking too much tea.


  美国 -- 没有苏联的日子真好,哥就是电,是光,是唯一的神话

  Freedom! (terms and conditions may appy)


  瑞士 -- $_$

  Sure, we'll take your money!


  澳大利亚 -- 考拉、袋鼠、鸭嘴兽

  Still ruled by a classy older lady in England because we are too distracted by the large amount of native fauna trying to kill us to declare independence.


  丹麦 -- 嘉士伯总部所在地



  加拿大 -- 历史是啥?能吃咩?



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本文标题:最短历史教材 8句英文概括世界历史 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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