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self worth comes from within, you won’t find it by having more money, having more friends, having a fancy car or a big house. it is something intrinsic and something we can’t gain extrinsically, meaning we won’t find self worth from external factors. here are some things you can do to increase your feeling of self worth.29 ways to increase your feeling of self worth

1. write down 7 minor goals for the week and tick one off each day as you achieve it.2. read a book a month. reading a book is actually an achievement in this technology and media driven world and reading a full book is a great way to achieve a sense of accomplishment.3. at the end of each day before falling asleep write down something you feel proud about, either on the day or in the past.4. tell someone else how much you appreciate them, being able to be open and honest is great for self worth.5. say no! learn the skill of saying no without offending the person asking.6. everything you do, do to the best of your ability even if it cleaning the toilets or something equally as mundane, develop a reputation as someone who takes pride in their work.7. walk tall and proud. walk as if you’ve got somewhere to go and you need to be there now, never run just walk tall and quickly.8. dress as smart as you can for each occasion, whether it be work, meeting a friend, or going for an interview. take pride in your appearance.9. do something for yourself every day.10. learn a new skill or take up something you’ve always wanted to and stick with it.11. speak up for yourself in every area of your life, this might be hard to do at first but the first time you do it will be immense and if you carry on your self esteem and feelings of self worth will soar.12. sing at the top of your voice, not outside but in the house and really give it loads (i love singing free fallin’ by tom petty and the heartbreakers at the top of my voice, ah! such a good feeling.)13. forgive yourself! (you know what i mean)14. get rid of the people who are dragging you down (i don’t mean kill them, i mean just stop having them in your life.)15. work on your strengths. a lot of people focus on building up their weaknesses, instead get better at what you are good at.16. take a walk in the rain………..why?………..because you have the power to decide!17. listen to other people and what they are saying.18. reward your successes. as soon as you achieve something reward yourself.19. never let anyone force you to break your core values.20. stop the gossiping!21. don’t read a newspaper for a week and gauge how you feel about yourself and the world around you.22. help other people who need it.23. always, always, always be honest with yourself and others. there is no need for lies and the energy it takes to continue a lie is unbelievable.24. take a chance and take a risk or two. you don’t have long to live so just get up and do it.25. listen to your self talk and slap the little person criticising you, i mean it, imagine there are two people one on each shoulder, the one who criticises you give them a slap or a punch in the mouth and start to pay attention to the one who is praising you.26. don’t be afraid to accept help from other people, it means they respect you enough to help you with something.27. start changing your thinking to be more optimistic about yourself, instead of ‘…i can’t do that….’ say ‘..i’ve never tried it, but i’ll give it a go…’28. face your fears. nothing will send your self esteem soaring more so than facing your fears and eventually conquering them.29. always leave comments on a blog you like :)






4. 告诉别人你有多感激他们,尽可能的开放和坦诚有利于建立自我价值感。








12. 在室内用最大的嗓门唱歌,尽可能的大声唱(跟汤姆·佩蒂一样自由歌唱,撕心裂肺的大声的歌唱, 噢!多么美好的感觉。)










本文标题:自信源自内心:增强自我价值感的29种方式 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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