

阅读 :
My Dad's a Secret Agent我的爸爸是特工

——Kenn Nesbitt——Kenn Nesbitt

My dad's a secret agent.我的爸爸是特工

He's an undercover spy.我的爸爸是暗探

He's the world's best detective.他是世界上最优秀的间谍

He's the perfect private eye.他是十全十美的私家侦探

He's a Pinkerton, a gum shoe,他是位名探,他是位密探

He's a snoop and he's a sleuth.他追踪寻迹

He's unrivaled at detecting明察秋虚,发现真相

and uncovering the truth.无人能敌

He's got eyesight like an eagle.他有雄鹰一般的眼睛

He's got hearing like a bat.他有蝙蝠一样的听力

He can out-smell any bloodhound.他的嗅觉胜过警犬

He's as stealthy as a cat.他的行动如猫一般诡秘

He can locate nearly anything他几乎能查出一切

with elementary ease.而又毫不费力

But no matter how he looks and looks但不管他怎样找啊找

My dad can't find his keys!却找不到自己的钥匙


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