

阅读 :
Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back,

Guilty of dust and sin.

But quick-eyed Love,observing me grow slack

From my first entrance in,

Drew nearer to me,sweetly questioning

If I lacked anything.







“A guest,” I answered, “worthy to be here.”

Love said, “You shall be he.”

“I, the unkind, ungrateful? Ah,my dear,

I cannot look on Thee.”

Love took my hand and smiling did reply,

“Who made the eyes but I?”

“一位客人,” 我说,“配得上当你的宾客的人。 ”






“Truth, Lord; but I have marred them” let my shame

Go where it doth deserve.”

“And know you not,” says Love, “Who bore the blame?”

“My dear, then I will serve.”

“You must sit down, ” says Love, “and taste my meat.”

So I did sit and eat.








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