
The Tundra 北极地区的苔原

阅读 :

    The Tundra of the Arctic Regions

    These are the signs of the coming arctic winter:The color of the tundra changes as the water grasses turn brilliant red.The migratory birds gather in flocks along the coast and gradually drift southward.Most of the birds that have spent the brief summer on the tundra now disappear,leaving only the golden eagle,the gyrfalcon,the ptarmigan,and the snowy owl to brave the sunless northern winter.

    As the lakes and ponds freeze over,a thin mantle of snow covers the sedge.Occasionally a young and inquisitive arctic fox may be seen loping across the tundra.The weasel and the lemming begin to change color;as the winter deepens,their coats will turn snow-white.

    During the first week in August the arctic sun dips below the horizon for the first time since May――it has not set all summer long.The gold and purple sunsets color the subfreezing waters of the Arctic Ocean.

    By the end of September or early October the tundra is dark and seems deserted;winter has taken hold of the arctic for another nine long months.






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