

阅读 :

  Mom,I came when you were out.

  I knew the key was still placed in the interstice

  Between the wall and the mailbox.

  I examined the floor under the wardrobe1) and found the secret

  You took out and hid back every night,

  A nanmu2) case.I meant to take away the bank deposit book,

  But soon I recognized the cloth

  That wrapped your treasure had once swaddled3) me.

  Washed and ironed so neat,it' s still fresh after so many years.

  Mom,I thought you were nothing but a s tubborn4),cold vixen5)。

  I leave this message,just to let you know I came

  But moved nothing.And I,yes I,am still swaddled in the cloth.













  1. wardrobe n. 衣柜, 衣厨

  2. nanmu n. 楠木

  3. swaddle vt. 束缚, 用襁褓包

  4. stubborn adj. 顽固的, 固执的

  5. vixen n. 唠叨的女人

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