
Yee and Lan:A Romance

阅读 :

  Once upon a time, in a solar system that is so, so far away from here that you wouldn't believe me if I told you, were two planets. Their names were Yee and Lan, and they loved each other very much. Every time they saw each other they would whisper planet secrets, or share wisps1 of atmosphere, or tell silly jokes.

  But they were a little sad, because it was so long between times that they got to be near each other, what with orbital2 mechanics being what they are and all. Most of the time they had to gaze from afar.

  Centuries went by, and one time as they passed, reaching out through the cold and emptiness to be with one another, Yee slipped Lan a moon, because Yee had three and Lan had none. Lan looked so perfect with the new moon that all the other planets were a little jealous, and Yee didn't mind giving up that moon at all.

  So the planets kept on dancing to the math-music of the universe, and Lan's moon was admired by all, until one day an evil-minded ice-hearted comet3 viciously4 slammed into it, shattering it into a thousand thousand pieces. At that time, Yee was all the way on the other side of the sun and couldn't hear the wails5 and shouts that rocked Lan through and through. All the nearby planets, who were jealous anyway, made fun of Lan. Lan was so ashamed6 of what had happended to the moon, so generously given by Yee, that Lan began to dread their next meeting.

  But the old equations7 had their say, and after so long they were together again. Lan was almost afraid to look at Yee, but Yee reached out a wisp of atmosphere in comfort.Yee hesitated a minute, because all planets know how beautiful moons are, but then went ahead and smashed8 the two remaining moons together so that Lan would have no reason to feel bad.

  So around and around they went, so very much in love that they thought they would burst, even though they looked a little bare, and felt a little cold without their lovely moons. But then, something beautiful happened-their shimmering9 bits of moon dust started to flatten out, and make two large circles, one for each of them. And before too long, the circles became rings, great big wonderful rings, sparkling in the pure sunlight, the wonder of that solar system, and some said even the galaxy10.The other planets were too awed by Yee and Lan's new beauty to feel even the slightest drop of jealousy.

  And that is why, even on this planet, when two people have strong feelings for each other, so much love that they think they'll burst, sometimes they'll give each other rings, in memory of the planetary11 love of Yee and Lan.







  它们继续转呀转;尽管没有了美丽的月亮,它们看起来有点光秃秃的,还觉得有点儿冷,但是它们知道彼此是多么深切地爱着对方。不久,美妙的事情出现了 ──仍在闪着光的月亮碎片开始平稳下来,并且形成了两个大大的圆圈,Yee和Lan一人一个。又过了一会儿,圆圈变成了光环,大大的,漂亮的光环,在纯净的阳光下闪闪放光。这是太阳系的奇迹,有的人甚至说是整个银河系的奇迹。其他的行星都惊异于全新的、美丽的Yee和Lan,竟然没有了一丝一毫的嫉妒。



  1.wisp n.缕,缥缈的东西

  2.orbital adj.轨道的

  3.comet n.(天)彗星

  4.viciously adv.恶毒地,凶残地

  5.wail n.恸哭,

  6.ashamed adj.惭愧的

  7.equation n.等式,均衡

  8.smash vt.打碎,猛力撞

  9.shimmer vt.闪光,闪烁

  10.galaxy n.(天)银河系

  11.planetary adj.行星的

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本文标题:Yee and Lan:A Romance - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

上一篇:The Key to Love 下一篇:The Golden Years


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