
Creating Your Own Life

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  Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith

  Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there; they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your roommate, neighbor, professor, long-lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger whom when you lock eyes with, you know that every moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

  Sometimes things happen to you and at the time they may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or back luck.

  The people you meet who affect your life, and the successes and downfalls you experience, create who you are; even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

  Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself.

  You're listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

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