
旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 第97章

阅读 :

  97:1 耶和华作王。愿地快乐,愿众海岛欢喜。

  The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.

  97:2 密云和幽暗,在他的四围。公义和公平,是他宝座的根基。

  Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.

  97:3 有烈火在他前头行,烧灭他四围的敌人。

  A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about.

  97:4 他的闪电光照世界。大地看见便震动。

  His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled.

  97:5 诸山见耶和华的面,就是全地之主的面,便消化如腊。

  The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

  97:6 诸天表明他的公义,万民看见他的荣耀。

  The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.

  97:7 愿一切事奉雕刻的偶像,靠虚无之神自夸的,都蒙羞愧。万神哪,你们都当拜他。

  Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all ye gods.

  97:8 耶和华阿,锡安听见你的判断,就欢喜,犹大的城邑原文作女子,也都快乐。

  Zion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, O LORD.

  97:9 因为你耶和华至高超乎全地。你被尊崇,远超万神之上。

  For thou, LORD, art high above all the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods.

  97:10 你们爱耶和华的,都当恨恶罪恶。他保护圣民的性命,搭救他们脱离恶人的手。

  Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

  97:11 散布亮光,是为义人。预备喜乐,是为正直人。

  Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.

  97:12 你们义人当靠耶和华欢喜,称谢他可记念的圣名。

  Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

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英语 宗教 圣经 诗篇
本文标题:旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 第97章 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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