
The Lost Heart of Asia

阅读 :

  The following passage is an extract from The Lost Heart of Asia by British travel writer Colin Thubron. In this book,Thubron travels through the countries of Central Asia shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In this extract,Thubron describes his first evening in the city of Mari,in Turkmenistan.



  Eastward from Ashkhabad my train lumbered across a region of oases where rivers dropped out of Iran to die in the Turcoman desert. In one window the Kopet Dagh mountains lurched darkly out of haze,and repeated themselves in thinning colours far into the sky. Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah,gashed with poppies. Over this immensity the sky curved like a frescoed ceiling,where flotillas of white and grey clouds floated on separate winds.


  Once or twice under the foothills I glimpsed the mound of a kurgan,broken open like the lips of a volcano the burial-place of a tribal chief,perhaps,or the milestone of some lost nomad advance. Along this narrow littoral,a century ago,the Tekke Turcomans had grazed their camels and tough Argamak horses,and tilled the soil around forty-three earthen fortresses. Now the Karakum canal ran down from the Oxus through villages with old,despairing names such as“Dead-End”and“Cursed-by-God”,and fed collective farms of wheat and cotton.


  The train was like a town on the move. In its cubicles the close-tiered bunks were stacked with Russian factory workers and gangs of gossiping Turcomans. Grimy windows soured the world outside with their own fog,and a stench of urine rose from the washrooms. But a boisterous freedom was in the air. Everyone was in passage,lightly uprooted. They gobbled salads and tore at scraggy chicken,played cards raucously together and pampered each other“s children,until the afternoon lunch-break lulled them into sleep. Then the stained railway mattresses were deployed over the bunks,and the corridor became a tangle of arms and projecting feet in frayed socks. From a tundra of sheets poked the beards of Turcoman farmers,and the weathered heads of soldiers resting on their caps. Matriarchs on their way to visit relatives in the next oasis lay mounded under blankets or quilted coats,and young women curled up with their children in their arms and their scarves swept over their faces.


  Two hundred miles east of Ashkhabad,where the soil shelved into ridges of scrub-speckled sand,a harsh wind sprang up. It whined against our windows and liquefied the plain and sky to a single,yellowed light. Suddenly ploughed tracts and irrigation channels appeared,and the glisten of flooded rice-fields;and cranes preceded the suburbs of Mari. I had time for a spy“s glimpse into backyards a view of cherished private plots and straggling geese before we jolted to a halt.


  Mari was a scrawl over the oasis,built piecemeal in a pallid,dead brick. Between flat-blocks and bungalows I tramped towards a heart which was not there. I found a bleak hotel. Towards evening,sitting in its hall before a black-and-white-television,I heard that Najibullah had been deposed in Afghanistan. But there was nobody in the lobby with whom to share this;and the news went on. With a dim dissociation,as if I were receiving reports from a distant planet,I heard that the Danes had rejected the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and that there was to be a memorial concert for Freddie Mercury at Wembley.


  But nothing from the outlandish present seemed real that night. It was the past which impinged. Somewhere on the fringe of this unlovely town lay the ruined caravan-city of Merv,lodestar of the Silk Road for two thousand years,and capital of the gifted and tragic Seljuk Turks:a rich city,sometimes cultivated and benignly powerful,which had nurtured its heterogeneous citizens in a common passion for trade.


  I wandered out into the warm night of Mari. The few street-lamps shed down squalor. The only open restaurant served coarse vegetable soups,with lumps of mutton and goat in sticky rice. I padded down unlit alleys towards a thread of music,and emerged beneath flat-blocks to see a floodlit wedding feast. The guests were sitting at long trestle tables under a ceiling of vines,or dancing in a clearing of beaten earth. I watched them from the darkness. They seemed to be celebrating with an isolated fragility. They danced all together with their arms dangled above their heads. They might have been actors on a faraway stage. Nothing seemed solid. Distance muted the gorging and tippling at the table to an elfin conviviality. The speeches and the clash of toasts dwindled to murmuring and tinkling. The women shimmered in claret-coloured velvets and harlequin headscarves,and the young men flaunted black bomber-jackets and flared jeans.


  Adding to the strangeness,there were Russians among them:big,blond men who danced,and affectionate young women kissing their Turcoman friends. They swayed and sang faintly to the plangent music Turc and Slav together in a tableau of fairytale unity.


  I wanted to believe in this unity. The material divide between conqueror and conquered had always been slim here,so that the poorer people,I thought,might painlessly integrate. But the Russian“s conviction of their cultural superiority,and the Turcomans”deep conservatism,①played havoc with this hope. Safar had told me that it was almost unknown for a Turcoman family to yield its daughter to a Russian man. So,as I watched,the feasting and dancing assumed the make-believe of an advertisement,and I was not surprised when the Russian guests departed early,their presence a fleeting token,while the Turcomans danced on into the night.



  Colin Thubron is a highly praised travel writer whose works are admired for their originality and depth of knowledge. In The Lost Heart of Asia he explores Central Asia at a time of transition and uncertainty. With the dazzling glories of its past seemingly abandoned and its future in doubt,the region is a fascinating destination which Thubron not only deeply understands,but also manages to capture so masterfully in words.


  Thubron has an impeccable grasp of the history of the region and its relevance to the present day. More importantly,he has the uncanny skill of being able to convey this knowledge to the reader in a way that is so casual that it does not disrupt the fluidity of the prose and,somehow,this history doesn“t lose its sense of mystery and romance in the process.


  In this extract,we get a taste of this style. As he gazes out of the train window his observations takes the reader on a journey from the nomadic tribes of the past to the industrial landscape of the present.


  Thubron is a true traveler. He is detached from the environment he is voyaging in and relates it to the reader in a way that makes reading his words more akin to watching these scenes in front of our own eyes. On the train,we observe the other passengers as if through a camera. The wedding feast is a perfect example of this. Standing afar and in the dark,Thubron observes the scene and presents it to us so vividly that long after reading it the image stays fresh in the mind.


  The Lost Heart of Asia is an example of a style of travel writing that is original and intense. Few of its contemporary counterparts can come close.


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