

阅读 :

  In ancient times there was a scholar called Zhu Yaozong who came first in the highest imperial examination. Conferred the title Number One Scholar, he was chosen to be the emperor's son-in-law. By convention, he would first return to his hometown in silken official robes. Before he left he begged the emperor for a favor――to erect a chastity archway牌坊 in honor of his widowed mother. His request was granted.


  His mother, however, appeared uneasy when she was told about the chastity archway. She had to admit that she was determined to remarry and her would-be husband was Zhu's former tutor to whom he owed a great deal. Devastated by the idea Zhu fell to his knees in front of his mother: “Mom. That's absolutely impossible. How could I face others if you do so. Besides, it will mean I have deceived the emperor――a felony deserving death penalty.”

  当朱耀宗向娘述说了竖立贞节牌坊一事后,朱母露出了不安的神色,于是说出了想要嫁给朱耀宗的恩师张文举的想法。朱耀宗顿时跪在娘的面前:“娘,这千万使不得。您改嫁叫儿的脸往哪搁? 再说,欺君之罪难免杀身之祸啊。”

  As he was caught in a fix and nothing could be done, his mother sighed:“Since things have come to a head,let's trust to luck.” She then took off a skirt and handed it to him, saying:“Wash it tomorrow and dry it in the sun for a day. If it dries up by dawn the next morning, I'll drop the idea; if not, you are not to interfere, for it's the will of Heaven.”


  That day was very fine with the sun shining brightly in a clear sky. But during the night clouds gathered and the sky became overcast. It broke into a violent shower towards daybreak. The skirt remained wet long after dawn. His mother said to him seriously:“Look here, son. It rains when Heaven deems fit, mother remarries when she wants to. The will of Heaven is not to be opposed.” So Zhu could do nothing but report to the emperor and express his readiness to be punished. The emperor was greatly surprised by the story and issued an imperial decree:“He who is unaware is not liable. Since the match has been made by Heaven, it has to be allowed.”


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本文标题:天要下雨,娘要嫁人 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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