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    导语:十岁的小姑娘在母亲昏厥停止呼吸后,利用从医学题材美剧《实习医生格蕾》中学到的心肺复苏术抢救回自己的母亲。好的电视剧让人获益啊 (*^__^*) ……下面就随英语美文小编一起来欣赏这篇感人的美文吧O(∩_∩)O~~

  Girl aged 10 brings her mother back to life thanks to 'Grey's Anatomy' techniques.


    Success in Life成功
    pen of life人生之笔(英文)

    A 10-year-old girl brought her mother back to life after she blacked out and stopped breathing, using resuscitation techniques learned from watching Grey's Anatomy.

  Madisyn Kestell drew on years of wisdom gleaned from watching the popular television medical series to save her mother, Kandace Seyferth, after finding her unresponsive on the floor of their home in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

    After dialling 911 to summon help, she and her friend Katelynn Vreeke, 12, performed cardio-pulmonary resuscitation while they waited for the ambulance to arrive.

    "Me and my mom watch the show every Thursday and I learned it from there," Madisyn told her local newspaper, The Sheboygan Press, explaining how she gave mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while her friend performed the chest-thumps. Madisyn.   

  Paramedics arrived within four minutes to take over, and took Ms Seyferth, 36, to the local hospital.
    "They pretty much said if Maddie didn't remain calm and call 911 and so what she did, I wouldn't even be here to talk about it," she said.



  这对母女生活在美国威斯康星州。在发现母亲Kandace Seyferth昏厥在自家地板上对自己的呼喊毫无反应后,女儿Madisyn Kestell凭借自己多年看著名医学题材电视剧《实习医生格蕾》的智慧救回了母亲。



  Paramedics arrived within four minutes to take over, and took Ms Seyferth, 36, to the local hospital.





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