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A new way of thinking has become the necessary condition for responsible living and acting. If you want to move forward, you must change your way of thinking and leave these thoughts behind you:


1. “I don’t have a choice.”

1. 我别无选择。

You write your own destiny through the choices you make. You become what you repeatedly do. It is more important to know where you are going and why, than to get there quickly. Every time you are tempted to react to the same old circumstances in the same old way, ask yourself, “Do I want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future?”


2. “Life is easy.”

2. 生活很容易。

Life is NOT easy, it IS difficult. That’s the greatest truth there is. It’s great because once you understand and accept this truth, you can move forward with your life. Once you thoroughly know in your heart and mind that life is difficult, then life gets a lot easier to deal with. Because once difficulty is accepted as a foundation, it no longer surprises you or stops you from building a lifestyle that rises above it.


3. “The way it is now is the way it will always be.”

3. 现在是什么样子,将来就是什么样子。

Don’t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it’s stormy now, doesn’t mean you aren’t headed for sunshine. And remember, you cannot heal a lifetime of pain overnight; be patient with yourself, it takes as long as it takes, but your happiness is worth the wait.


4. “The sky is falling.”

4. 天快塌下来了。

When everything in your life is coming together, you can hold on to the belief that ‘everything happens for a reason’ with frivolous ease. But when everything’s falling apart – your relationships, your health, your finances, etc. – it takes tremendous effort to wrap your mind and heart around that belief and hold onto it for dear life. Yet you must. For in that belief lies your hope, your courage, and your strength to move forward.


5. “Everyone else is doing better than me.”

5. 别人都比我做得好。

Do not feed your insecurities, or they will consume you. Sometimes the reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes circumstances with everyone else’s public highlight reel. We listen to the noise of the world, instead of ourselves. So stop the comparisons; listen to your own inner voice and your own soul.


6. “That’s unrealistic.”

6. 那不现实。

To be successful, you have to be a little unrealistic. You have to believe that something totally different than what has happened for an eternity can happen. Think about it. Being realistic doesn’t change anything; being unrealistic does. Doesn’t it seem a bit unrealistic to be able to walk into a dark space, hit a switch, and instantly fill the entire space with light? Fortunately Thomas Edison didn’t think so.


7. “I wish.”

7. 我希望。

The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop saying “I wish,” start saying “I will,” and then go do something about it. The world isn’t going to dominate itself. You just have to wake up one morning and decide that you don’t want to feel like this anymore, ever again. And then make a change, just like that.


8. “It’s too late.”

8. 一切都太晚了。

Believing it’s too late is the end of your journey; believing in yourself is an endless destination. Trust yourself. Break the rules. Don’t be afraid to fail. Ignore those who doubt you. Work your butt off. And be sure to give something back before you’re done.


9. “I can’t.”

9. 我做不到。

Nobody is going to blindside you and hit you as hard as life will. Sometimes life will beat you to the ground, and keep you there if you let it. But it’s not about how hard life can hit you; it’s about how hard you can be hit while continuing to move forward. That’s what true strength is. And that’s what winning the game of life is all about.


10. “This situation couldn’t get any worse.”

10. 情况不能更糟了。

Nothing is good or bad, as thinking makes it so. Be determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation you may find yourself. For you will eventually learn that the greater part of your happiness or unhappiness is determined not by your specific circumstances, but by your disposition and perspective.


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