
成功的钥匙:展现信心的力量 2-英语美文成功篇

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Step 3 尽可能地将第二章所列的10项基本行为动机,和你的明 确目标联系起来,给你自己下一道强烈性的命令,去做你想要 做的事,并尽可能地每天在脑海里回想一次这道命令。Associate as possible of the ten basic human motives mentioned on page 18 with your definite major purpose.Give yourself a compelling motive for doing what you want to do.Then renew that motive by bringing it up in your mind as often as possible on a daily basis.  如果你的命令中包括一栋漂亮的房屋,一辆豪华的汽车 和一个高品质衣橱,那就常常想着这些目标吧?你可以模仿 驾着那辆华贵汽车的动作,或想像那栋房子的美丽,别吝惜用你的想像力来强化你的欲望。If your motives include a fine home,a nice car,and a good wardrobe,visualize those thing around you.Go through the motions of driving that car or wandering about that house.Do not hesitate ho use your imagination to fuel your burning desire. 步骤4Step 4 写下你的明确目标会为你带来的种种好处,并时时在脑 海中想着这些好处,这可使你借着自我启发的力量创造出成 功意识。而成功意识可在事情进行得不太顺利时,坚定你达 到目标的决心。Write out a list of all the advantages of your definite major purpose,and call them into your mind as often as you can.This will make you success-conscious by the power of sef-suggestion.It will steady your resolve when things do not appear to be going well. 如果你被一件难以达成的事情困住时,则可以想一想一 旦你得到解脱之后,想要做些什么事,并且对此一期待报以微笑。If you're caught in an impossible job,you can keep yourself smiling by thinking of what you'll be doing once you're free. 步骤5Step 5 和那些支持你和你的明确目标的人交往,并接受他们的 鼓励,这些人可能是你的同事、朋友或家人。Associate with people who are in sympathy with you and major purpose;get their encouragement. They can be colleagues,friends,or family. 一位房地产经纪人带着沮丧的神情回到家里。当她不顾 心地叹气时,她的丈夫拿出他的“百万富翁俱乐部”证书以及 一张买主的名单问道:“你看看这些是什么?是谁卖掉这些房子的?是谁卖掉 那栋坐落在湖边费时2年还卖不掉的房子?是谁看中那栋梦 想中的房子的?最近的一个售屋案子不是最好的案子吗?”One realtor I know occasionally comes home discouraged,but she has an agreement with her husband that covers circumstance. The instant she lets go a defeatist sigh,he pulls out her certificate from he Million Dollar Club and a list of previous sales she's made."Who name do you see here? Who sold all those houses? Who sold that place down by the lake that had been on the market two years? Who saw what a dream house it could be? Isn't this latest offering just as good?" 她听了丈夫的鼓励之后再度打起精神奔向战场,但是她 的丈夫呢?别认为那些鼓励的话不会鼓舞她的丈夫,同样也 别认为他在说完那些鼓励的话之后,在自己的工作方面不会 有所进步,我们每个人都需要别人的鼓励,而鼓励他人的同 时,也会为自己带来同样的好处。That's all it takes, and she's out the door or on the phone again. And her husband? Don't think that he isn't inspired by his wife's determination. That his own work isn't better after he's seen what a little encouragement can do. We all need people to give us a boost, and we all benefit from doing the same for others. 
本文标题:成功的钥匙:展现信心的力量 2-英语美文成功篇 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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