
To Helen

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To Helenby Edgar Allan PoeHelen, thy beauty is to meLike those Nicean barks of yoreThat gently, o'er a perfumed sea,The weary, way-worn wanderer boreTo his own native shore.On desperate seas long wont to roam,Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,Thy Naiad airs have brought me homeTo the glory that was Greece,And the grandeur that was Rome.Lo, in yon brilliant window-nicheHow statue-like I see thee stand,The agate lamp within thy hand,Ah! Psyche, from the regions whichAre Holy Land! 致海伦by Edgar Allan Poe海伦啊,你的美貌对于我,就象那古老的尼赛安帆船,在芬芳的海面上它悠悠荡漾,载着风尘仆仆疲惫的流浪汉,驶往故乡的海岸.你兰紫色的柔发,古典的脸,久久浮现在波涛汹涌的海面上,你女神般的风姿,将我带回往昔希腊的荣耀,和古罗马的辉煌.看,神龛金碧,你婷婷玉立,俨然一尊雕像,手提玛瑙明灯,啊,普赛克,你是来自那神圣的地方!

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本文标题:To Helen - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

上一篇:A Dream 下一篇:The Prison-door


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