
As a Man Soweth 当人们播种时

阅读 :

We must not hope to be mowers,
And to gather the ripe golden ears,
Unless we have first been sowers
And watered the furrows with tears.


It is not just as we take it,
This mystical world of ours,
Life’s field will yield as we make it
A harvest of thorns or of flowers.


— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Poet

  • mower (n.) 割草的人。ears (n.) 穗。例:dropping ears of rice (沉甸甸的稻穗)。furrow (n.) 犁沟。mystical field yield (v.) 生产,产出。例:The investment has yielded a reasonable return this year. (我们的投资在今年有合理的回报。) thorn(n.) 刺,棘。例:thorns on a rose (玫瑰上的刺)。
本文标题:As a Man Soweth 当人们播种时 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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