

阅读 :

 For each habit, identify your triggers. What situations trigger your smoking habit (waking in the morning, having coffee, drinking alcohol, stressful meetings, going out with friends, driving, etc.)? Identify all of them, for each habit.

找出每个坏习惯的触发因子。在哪种情形——早晨散步、喝咖啡、酗酒、重大会议、与朋友外出或者开车时——你会想抽烟? 搞清楚你的每个坏习惯的触发因子。


For every single trigger, identify a positive habit you’re going to do instead. When you first wake in the morning, instead of smoking, what will you do? What about when you get stressed? When you go out with friends? Some positive habits could include: exercise, meditation, deep breathing, organizing, decluttering, and more.

 当坏习惯的触发因子蠢蠢欲动时,立刻做出一个好习惯取而代之。当你早晨醒来时,除了抽烟,你还会做什么? 当你感到紧张时又会怎么做? 当你与朋友外出时? 好习惯包括: 锻炼、沉思、深呼吸、理顺思路、整理卫生等等。


For at least one month, focus entirely on being as consistent with your triggers as possible. That means, every single time those triggers come up, do the positive habit you identified instead of the negative one. The more consistent you are, the better the habit will form. If you sometimes do the new habit when the trigger occurs, and sometimes don’t, the new habit won’t form very well. Try to do it every single time. If for some reason you fail, extend the one-month period and try to be very consistent from that point onward.

 尽可能的坚持好习惯,至少达到一个月。我是指每当触发因子出现时,马上拿好习惯做“挡箭牌”。 你的意志力越坚定,好习惯形成的可能性也就越大。 如果你时而做到,时而没有,那么刚形成的好习惯往往摇摇欲坠。 一定要坚持每次都做到。 如果因为某些原因你失败了,把一个月的期限延长点,并且从失败的那刻开始要更加努力坚持。


Avoid some situations where you normally drink and smoke, at least for awhile, to make it a bit easier on yourself. If you normally drink when you go out with friends, consider not going out for a little while. If you normally go outside your office with co-workers to smoke, avoid going out with them. This applies to any bad habit — whether it be eating junk food or doing drugs, there are some situations you can avoid that are especially difficult for someone trying to change a bad habit. Realize, though, that when you go back to those situations, you will still get the old urges, and when that happens you should be prepared.

避免进入诱导你抽烟喝酒的场合,至少维持一阵子,以便让你更容易戒除这些习惯。如果你跟朋友出去会不免满上几杯,那么可以考虑一下暂时不参加这些聚会。 如果你喜欢跟同事在办公室外抽烟,那么应当避免这种情况的发生。 这适用于改正任何坏习惯——无论是喜欢吃垃圾食品还是吸毒,某些场合会让你的陋习变本加厉,所以一定要远离。 而且,要知道一旦你重回这些场所,仍然会产生同样的冲动,所以当一切发生时做好心理准备。


 Realize that your urges will be strong, but they will go away after a few minutes. They come in waves, but just ride out the wave. Find strategies for getting through the urges — deep breathing, self massage, eating frozen grapes, walking around, exercising, calling a friend who will support you.

记住一点:你的欲望会很强烈,但是几分钟后便会烟消云散。欲望之浪波涛汹涌,你必须沉着应对,安然度过。 找出克服冲动的小窍门——深呼吸、自我按摩、吃冰葡萄、散步、锻炼或者给一个支持你的朋友打电话。


Ask for help. Get your family and friends and co-workers to support you. Find an AA group in your area. Join online forums where people are trying to quit. When you have really strong urges or a really difficult time, call on your support network for help. Don’t smoke a cigarette, for example, without posting to your online quit forum. Don’t have a drop of alcohol before calling your AA buddy.

寻求帮助。求助于你的家人、朋友和同事。 加入你住所附近的嗜酒者互诫协会(AA group)。 去论坛灌水,大家一起相互监督戒烟戒酒。 当你的冲动无法抑制或者觉得日子难熬时,求助于你的网络吧。 比如,如果忍不住抽烟了就要在论坛上汇报情况,不得隐瞒。 喝酒之前先给戒酒协会的伙计打个电话。


Staying positive is key! You will have negative thoughts — the important thing is to realize when you’re having them, and push them out of your head. Squash them like a bug! Then replace them with a positive thought. “I can do this! If Leo can do it, so can I!” :)

 保持积极乐观才是关键所在。你可能会产生消极的想法——不过这并无大碍,只要你意识到了并且将之抛诸脑后即可。 像消灭虫子一样消灭这些想法! 然后积极地思考吧。 “我可以做到的! 既然Leo能做到,我也可以!” :)

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本文标题:成功培养一个习惯的7个步骤 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

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