
高三英语作文:我们应不应该出国留学 Should We Go Abroad for Study or Not?

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高三英语作文:我们应不应该出国留学 Should We Go Abroad for Study or Not?

After the college entrance examination or college graduation, some students will choose to go abroad to for further study. For this behavior, some people support it and some against it. In fact, going abroad not only needs a lot of money but also requires the students have a good foundation of English. If the students have the condition to study abroad, I suggest they choose to go. After all, knowledge is no boundary and the more they learn the better they will be. But the students who are not having those conditions, I don’t think they should go abroad, because the stress for them is too large. No matter domain education or abroad education can educate them well. Besides, maybe they still need to consider their own character situation. In a word, whether a person should go abroad or not depends on their own situation.



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本文标题:高三英语作文:我们应不应该出国留学 Should We Go Abroad for Study or Not? - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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