
积极面对生活 Actively facing life

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Actively facing life

In our journey of life, it’s our great fortune to meet with something or someone. Be grateful for what they bring us and cherish what we have, no matter they are rich or poor, happy or sad, good or bad. Just like our drinking glass, whether half full or half empty, we are lucky to have such a glass and own what there is in it.

Take Helen Keller, a famous American writer as an example. Deprived of sight and hearing by a disease, she became disabled when she was young. Instead of feeling depressed and complaining “Why Me”, she chose a positive attitude to life and regarded what she encountered as the best gift God gave her. Bearing gratitude for life within, she met with her lifelong teacher Sullivan and finished her famous novel Three Days to See. It was the painful times of her life that made her stronger, wiser and more loving.

Though pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. When we are experiencing hard times, it becomes more challenging to be grateful. Be grateful for our life with all its lessons and blessings, and success and happiness is just around the corner!


在我们的人生旅途中,遇见某个人或某个人是我们的幸运。感激他们带给我们的,珍惜我们所拥有的,无论他们是富有还是贫穷,快乐或悲伤,好还是坏。就像我们的酒杯一样,无论半满还是半空,我们都很幸运拥有这样的杯子,并且拥有它里面的东西。 以美国著名作家海伦凯勒为例。由于被疾病剥夺了视力和听力,她年轻时就残疾了。而心情郁闷,抱怨“为什么是我”,她选择了一个积极的生活态度,认为她所遇到的最好的礼物上帝给了她。她对自己的生活充满感激之情,与毕生的老师沙利文相识,并完成了她那本著名的小说三天的生活。正是她生命中痛苦的时光使她变得更坚强、更睿智、更有爱心。 虽然痛苦是不可避免的,但痛苦是可以选择的。当我们遇到困难时,感恩就变得更有挑战性。感谢我们的生活,感谢所有的教训和祝福,成功和幸福就在眼前!

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本文标题:积极面对生活 Actively facing life - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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