
我们需要扩大知识(We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge)

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我们需要扩大知识(We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge)


1. 科学技术是社会发展所不可缺少的。

2. 社会科学和自然科学相互渗透。

3. 现代大学生需要广博的知识。


Our civilization is mainly attributed to the achievements of science and technology. With the broadening of human knowledge, we know more and more about the world we are living in. Human beings use their knowledge to change the environment, utilize the natural re sources, and create a fine world which is suitable for mankind. Thus comes the modem civilization of industry, agriculture and science.

Social science constructs the spiritual nature of human beings. Man achieves social science through colorful social life. People become aware of what our society is and why social science makes people know more about society and themselves. It teaches people what our society should be and what people should do for the future.

As college students, we should learn as many kinds of knowledge as possible. We are required to do as much as we can to improve human life and society as well. Without sufficient knowledge, we can't meet the future needs and can't be what we are expected to be. So we must learn as many kinds of knowledge as possible during our stay at the university.





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