
写一则通告(Make An Announcement)

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写一则通告(Make An Announcement)

May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building . It will begin at 7:30 P.m. There will be music, dancing ,singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose. Remember to wrap it up ,sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.Don‘t forget: 7:30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. There’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.

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本文标题:写一则通告(Make An Announcement) - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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