
我的高中生期望 My Expectation as A High School Student

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I study in a high school now, this is my second year, I will be soon finishing my high school class. After a year’s study, I have known clearly what I want, as a high school student, my expectation in high school is of course about my study. First, I want to learn English well. I love English, I want to choose it as my major when I go to college. Comparing to other subjects, I don’t have much interest in math, geography and so on. I find English interests me, when I see the movies, I like to see the original one, which means I will listen to the English. Learning English well helps me understand the movie better. Second, I want to go to college, so I must work hard to accomplish the dream. Going to college is my future dream, I work so hard for it, so I must learn as more as I can to fulfill myself.


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