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The First president  
    A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions, but the student couldn't answer any of them. The teacher then decided to ask him some very easy questions so that he could get a few right.
    "What was Bunker Hill?"she said.
    The student thought for some time and then answered, "An airport?"
    "No, it was a battle," the teacher said, she was getting a little angry now, but she was trying not to show it.Then she asked, "Who was the first president of the United States?"
    The student thought for a long time, but didn't say anything. Then the teacher got very angry and shouted, "George Washington!"
    The student got up and began to walk towards his seat.
    "Come back!" the teacher said. "I didn't tell you to go."
    "Oh, I'm sorry," the student said. "I thought you called the next student."  




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本文标题:每日一笑(12.4) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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