
crawling home

阅读 :
A solid looking guy was sitting in a bar,drinking away.Suddenly he said to the bartender," I have to go home or the wife will be mad,she is always opposed to my drinking saying this would spoil my health".( at this point he was loaded drunk)

He climbed down from the bar stool, and fell flat on his face. The man then said"I can't walk and I didn't have that much to drink?" .He got up to give it another try,this time the same thing happened and he falls flat on his face. He said with despair " I have to get home some way or the wife will kill me if I don't get home soon" !

He got an idea of crawling home,so away he went crawling home.He crawled up to his apartment and slowly snuck into bed with his wife trying not to wake her.

The next morning he woke up to see his wife running in the room. She said, " you were out drinking again last night weren't you !"The man replied with discouragement, " NO WAY!"And the wife said" YOU LIAR! I despise you ! The bartender just called and said you left your wheelchair at the club again last night"!

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