

阅读 :

Unit 9 Thanks a Lot Sarge 多谢了,班长

The sergeant had just completed the morning inspection of the troops.

“Before I dismiss you, there’s just one announcement. Private Kowalski, your mother is dead. Dismissed.”
“解散之前,有件事要宣布一下,二等兵卡瓦斯基,你母亲已经过 世了。解 散!”

The soldier was devastated, of course, and the lieutenant was appalled at the sergeant’s heartlessness.

“For Heaven’s sake, sergeant, next time you have to inform a trooper of a loved one’s demise, please be a little more subtle,” he said.

A few weeks later, sorry to say, the sergeant had another opportunity. Lining up his troops, he ordered, “All of you whose mother is still alive, step forward. Not you, Johnson.”
几个礼拜之后,很不幸那位班长又有一次机会。集合了部队,他下 令道“:所有妈妈尚健在的,前进一步。你,约翰逊,除外。”


1.sergeant n.(陆军)中士;班长(口语中常缩写成 sarge)

2.complete vt. 完 成(=accomplish)
例:Did you complete your experiment, Mr. Frankenstein?

3.inspection n. 检查
inspect vt. 视察
例:It is said that Catherine the Great would sometimes inspect the troops in her bedroom.

4.dismiss vt. & vi. 打发走;解散
在军中,口令“解 散!” 一词均用表被动的过去分词:"Dismissed!"

5.private n. (陆军)二等兵

6.lieutenant n. ( 陆 军 )中 尉;排 长

7.devastate vt. 蹂躏;使荒废

8.appall vt. 使惊骇
be appalled at... 对……感到惊吓
=be shocked at...
例:I am appalled at your lack of concern about the environment.

9.heartlessness n. 冷酷;无情
heartless a. 冷酷的;无情的
hearty a. 衷心的;丰盛的(食物)
例:Heartless Hannah broke many a heart in her time.
We had a hearty meal at the party.

10.sake n. 缘故
for Heaven's sake 看在老天的分上
for the sake of... 为了……的缘故
for the sake of safety 基于安全理由
例:For the sake of safety, helmets must be worn on the construction site.

11.inform vt. 通知
inform sb of sth 将某事告知某人
keep sb informed of sth 随时将某事告知某人
例:"Keep me informed of your progress," directed the supervisor.

12.demise n. 死亡

13.subtle a. 隐喻的;不直说的

14.line up 排队
=get in line
例:People in Hong Kong actually line up at bus stops.

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本文标题:赖世雄读英语笑话学英语之可以说给妈妈听的笑话(9):多谢了,班长(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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