

阅读 :

  A strange call

  A Chicago family was having dinner when the phone rung. The maid answered and said, "It sure is!" and hung up. The same thing happened five minutes later." What's going on?" asked the father.

  "Some crackpot, " explained the maid, "keeps calling to say, "It's long distance from New York."


  芝加哥的一家人正在吃晚饭时,电话响了。女仆去接电话并说道,“当然是。”就挂掉了。五分钟后同样的事情发生了。“怎么回事?”父亲问道。 “一个疯子,”女仆解释说,“他总是坚持说'从纽约到这非常远(这是纽约的长途)'.”


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本文标题:奇怪的电话 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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