
Arranging time and making plans-1 ~Email Writing

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Inquiring about plans
What time should we arrange to meet?
When will be a good time for us to meet?
What time do you think we should meet?
Shall we meet this evening at 6:00 then?
When are you expecting to arrive?
When and where should I pick you up?
How about we meet at 9:00 am tomorrow at the coffee shop?
Would 6:00 this evening work for you?
Would either Saturday or Sunday be convenient for you?
Shall we meet at 7:30 at the entrance to the cinema?
If it’s convenient for you, I’ll swing by your place around 5:00.
I’ll pick you up at the hotel at 11:00, okay?
Don’t forget to let me know your flight schedule.
I would be glad to pick you up at the train station.
When does your train arrive at Beijing Railway Station?
What’s your departure/arrival time?
Let me know what time you’re expecting to arrive.
I’d like to invite you to my place for dinner on Wednesday.
I’ll be here all week, so let me know when you have time to meet.
I have tickets to a basketball game tomorrow afternoon at 1:30.
How about dinner Thursday or Friday evening?
How long are you planning to stay?
Which hotel are you staying at?
What time do you need to get to the airport on Tuesday?
If we leave at 3:00, we’ll definitely get there on time.
Could we meet at 2:00 instead of 1:30?


Hi Mary,
It's hard to believe that the winter holiday is almost over. Have you booked your return flight yet? Let me know the flight number, and the date and time you'll being coming in. I can arrange to pick you up at the airport. Hope you're enjoying your last few days in Melbourne. See you soon!

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本文标题:Arranging time and making plans-1 ~Email Writing - 英语书信格式_英语写信格式_英语求职信


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