
Requesting help ~ E-mail writing

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I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
Could you take a look at my website and give me some suggestions?
Do you think you could give me a hand with the assignment?
Do you think I could borrow your car on Saturday night?
Would you mind proofreading my essay for me?
Would you mind picking up my mail while I’m away?
Would you have time to help me move this weekend?
Please ask Nancy to call me when she has a chance.
Do you think you could help me fix my computer?
I’d appreciate it if you could pick me up at the train station tomorrow.
If you’re seeing Oliver tomorrow, could you return his book for me?
We’re looking for volunteers to help out during the holiday season.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist me.
I would really appreciate your help.
If you’re too busy, I would understand.

Expressing inability to help
I’d really like to give you a hand, but I’m going to be away for the holidays.
I wish that I could help, but I’ve got so many things to do tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I just lent that book to someone else yesterday.
I have to meet a client on Saturday morning, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to pick you up.
If Thursday wouldn’t be too late, I would probably be able to help you then.

Hi Lisa,
As you know, I’ll be studying in France next semester. I want to find a part-time job while I’m over there… but right now I only have a resume in English. Would you mind helping me translate it into French? I’m not leaving till January, so there’s still plenty of time. I’d really appreciate it.
Kindest regards,

Dean Ed,
I woke up this morning with a splitting headache, so I didn’t come to work today. Could you do me a favor? There’s an envelope on my desk which I forgot to send out yesterday. It’s sealed and addressed---it just needs postage. I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand.

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本文标题:Requesting help ~ E-mail writing - 英语书信格式_英语写信格式_英语求职信

