

阅读 :
  What are the purposes of places such as museums and how should they be funded?

  It is almost impossible to talk of human civilization without mentioning the significant roles played by some places, such as museums, art gallery and so on. From London to Paris, from Beijing to New York, museums attract millions of visitors from all over the world annually.

  Museum is where people go to get their education and entertainment. Nowadays, more and more parents are energetic for taking their children to visit history museums or art museums in weekend, because they find the collections and antiques displayed in museums can stimulate their children’s curiosity and enlarge their scope. Besides, recent years, some entertainment facilities were equipped in many China’s museums. For example, in Beijing Aviation Museum, visitors have chance to steer glider under the guide of pilots. Obvious, museums have become vital parts of our lives.

  The second main purpose of museums is related to the protection of culture. As we know, a lot of cultural relics, literature and antiques are exhibited in various museums ranging from history museum to technical museum, from militaries museum to sea museum. Here, visitors will not miss any achievement our ancestors have made and they will be shocked by human civilization. We cannot find better places than museums to protect those symbols of human history and culture.

  However, partly because of limited fund from governments, partly because of inefficient management, more and more museums have to face severe financial problems. It is commonly believed that our governments should burden more responsibilities and invest a great deal of money on museums. Besides, the managers of museums also should solve those troubles by themselves, such as improving management efficiency, increasing the price of tickets and selling souvenirs.

  In summary, as the symbol of human civilization, museums take up very significant positions in our lives. There are still many troubles need to be solved, however, I do believe that, as time passes, people will come to realize the value of museums eventually.

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本文标题:雅思写作高分范文:博物馆的作用 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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