

阅读 :

  如果写到动物的保护问题时,可以说:Animals are not created for humans any more than women are created for men, black for white.

  在写到政府是否该花钱来发展武器时,可以说:There is no doubt that the advancement of military technologies is one of the greatest dangers to all human rights, including the most basic right to life itself.

  在写到环境的重要性时,可以说:All human beings have the fundamental right to an environment adequate for their health and well-being.


  When someone turns 18, he or she should be tried as an adult because they have adult rights. Children, however, do not have the same rights as adults do. Then, if a five-year-old child killing someone has been sentenced the death penalty, the trial that determines whether or not someone should be tried as an adult are absurd.


  Respect for property is no less important than respect for person. Indeed, respect for property is one species of respect for person. Property is the stuff of personal independence. It is, therefore, an economic foundation of freedom. A society in which respect for property diminishes is one in which freedom diminishes.


本文标题:雅思写作高分范文:权利和平等 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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