
范文:The attraction of Entering Universities

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  学校英语电台在高考临近之际开办了一个高考专栏,电台台长小张请你为专栏写一篇以“The attraction of Entering Universities”为题的开播语,鼓励毕业生做好最后的冲刺,同时以平常的心态对待考试结果。小张为你提供了大致的纲要。





  The attraction of Entering Universities

  Universities are the place for training scientists, engineers, doctors and teachers. As institutions of high learning, universities award degrees to students who have mastered the required knowledge in their majors. The university diploma is essential for a person's future career. For these reasons, nearly all young people are eager to enter universities.

  The present number of universities China can't meet people's need for higher education. Every year only a small number of middle school graduates are lucky enough to gain the admission. The majority of them are kept away from universities. That accounts for an acute competition.

  Those who are not admitted to universities should not lose heart. One may study well by himself and develop abilities in the working post. If possible, one may attend correspondence courses and other courses or classes for adult higher education. Examples abound that a person achieves success self-study.



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