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  Newspapers contain many information topics such as sports, current events, business and entertainment. I like to read the sports topics most. I have great interest in sports, especially in football. Every weekend, I will buy two kinds of newspapers. They are Weekend of Sports and News of Soccer. In weekdays, when I open the daily newspapers, the first topics I look for are of course sports events.

  You can see a live tournament on TV, and you can get the information of current events, business and entertainment on TV. But there is a unique topic you can only read from the sports line in newspaper, that is the comments of an exciting game. After you watched and shouted in front of the TV set and got the result of the game, you can sit in a comfortable chair, hold the newspaper and read what the coach said, what the famous specialist said and what the players felt when they won or lost in the competition.

  On the other hand, the sports columns of newspapers often serve as a guidance to the sports lovers. It introduces some sports that are not familiar to us, and forecasts some important events that will happen in some countries in the future, etc.

  Now, the 3rd World Cup of Women's Soccer is holding in the U.S. A…… What a pleasure to watch the live game at night, to sleep in the morning and to read the comments of the newspaper in the afternoon. I always read the sports topics in the newspaper.



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