
范文:My View on Fake Commodities

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  My View on Fake Commodities

  Nowadays, more and more fake commodities appear on the market ,a problem which has attracted a lot of attention.

  Fake commodities are very harmful to consumers. There are different types, ranging from food and clothes to radios, and TV sets. Even some medicines are fake too, which has caused a lot of trouble. In addition, fake commodities have affected the manufacturers, too . Those who have fallen victim to fake commodities will never buy them again.

  There are many ways to get rid of fake commodities. First, laws should be passed to punish those who produce fake commodities. Second, people should be educated to tell the original from the fake. They shouldn't buy something just because the advertisements tell them to do so.

  In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of fake commodities and fight a battle against them. Only in this way can fake commodities be driven out of our daily life completely in the future.



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