
范文:Man's Strong Will

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  坚强的意志(Man's Strong Will)


  Strong will is universally regarded as a very praisable quality.

  There have been many examples that success can be achieved by strong will.

  It is not easy to cultivate a strong will.


  Man's Strong Will

  Strong will is universally regarded as a very praisable quality. It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overcome whatever hardship that befalls. It is strong will that enables us to endure the trying situation and to attain our goals. Strong will gives us light when we are in the dark, and encouragement when we are frustrated. With this meritorious quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and no obstacles can stand in our way. As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.

  All pain helps to make us rise, how-ever much we may hate it at the time.

  There have been many examples that success can be achieved by strong will. During the Long March, the Red Army soldiers met with the greatest hardship men have ever experienced. They had nothing to eat but grass roots and barks of trees. It was their strong will that made them defeat the hardship. Helen Keller, a strong willed American blind woman, mastered the English language and became a well-known educator. Such instances abound, and suffice it just to enumerate the two.

  Develop a high tolerance for ambiguity――you'll be more satisfied.

  It is not easy to cultivate a strong will. First of all, we must set up a firm faith in our cause, namely, the cause of communism, and be ready to devote our lives to it. Secondly, we must learn from strong-willed persons, especially, from revolutionary martyrs who fought for communism to the last drop of blood. Finally, we should boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get rid of the weak points of our moral character.


  本文为议论文。首段的"neither…nor…""It is strong will that…",和"no enemy…no obstacles…"的运用,加强了文章的语气,突出了坚强意志的重要价值。段末的格言起到了画龙点睛的作用。第二段用了红军二万五千里长征和海伦・凯勒这两个例子,有力地证明了坚强的意志能使人获得成功这一主题。末段谈如何培养坚强的意志,层次清晰,观点正确,具有说服力。

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