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on 1 may 1943, during a raid on the nazi u-boat pen at st-nazaire, france, a us bomber was badly hit and burst into flames. the fire drove both waist gunners to bail out. but maynard smith, the ball-turret gunner, cast aside his own parachute, gave first aid to two wounded crew members, and then tackled the fire with extinguishers.

while he was fighting the fire, his plane came under attack by a couple of german fighters. so he manned both waist guns in turn, and fired away until the enemy planes fell back. he threw burning 100-pound ammunition boxes out of the plane(he weighed around 130 pounds), and when he had used up the last fire extinguisher he beat out the last flames with his hands. for his bravery he was awarded the medal of honour.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:空中英雄(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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