

阅读 :


eleanor roosevelt once took winston churchill to task over the subject of british imperialism. "the indians have suffered for years under british oppression," she said.

"are we talking about the brown-skinned indians in india who have multiplied under benevolent british rule," churchill retorted, "or are we speaking about the red-skinned indians in america who, i understand, are now almost extinct ?"




task 是 「 工 作 」 , 但 take someone to task 却 和 「 工 作 」 无 关 , 而 是 「 责备 某 人 」 的 意 思 , 例 如 : he was taken to task for not properly attending to his work ( 他 不 用 心 工 作 , 受 到 责 备 ) 。  

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