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07:Entertain the Parents with Performances 戏彩娱亲:老莱子

Lao Laizi was an anchorite in Spring and Autumn Period. He did farming at the south side of Meng Mountain to avoid the chaos in that period.

He held great filiality to his parents.

He fed the parents with the most delicious food; entertained them with drum-shaped rattle playing when he was in his 70s, wearing colored clothes just like a child.

Once, when he was on his way to bring water to his parents, he tumbled.

He thought the parents might be worried about him, he just cried on the floor like a child, which made the parents laughed.

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本文标题:中国二十四孝经典民间故事07:老莱子戏彩娱亲(中英) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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