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Jennifer and Amanda were very good friends. Now in college, they had been friends since grade school. Jennifer was the smart, intelligent one. Amanda was the fun-loving, kind of sluttish one.

One night, Amanda was chatting on the Internet while Jennifer did her calculus homework. Amanda was singing along with her head phones, and annoying Jen quite a bit.

"Shut up, Amanda. You're being annoying," Jen snapped.

"What's your problem?" Amanda asked, defensively.

"Nothing. Just... keep it down. Okay?"

"Ok, no prob," Amanda replied.

Jennifer went on doing her homework, as Amanda chatted. Suddenly, Amanda squealed with delight.

"Guess what, Jen!"

Jennifer sighed. "What?"

"David wants to meet me tomorrow night!"

"Um, who?"

"You know. My internet boyfriend?" Amanda said impatiently.

"Um. Great," replied Jennifer. Amanda, a little put out by her friend's lack of enthusiasm, signed off the Internet and decided to go to bed.

"Night, Jen."

"Mmm," replied Jennifer.

The next night, as planned, Amanda went out to meet David at a local bar called "McGrundy's." They had an excellent night together, and it was getting pretty late.

"One more drink?" David asked.

"Sure. Why not?" Amanda replied, even though she was getting a little tipsy. David ordered Amanda another screwdriver, and handed it to her. She drank it down, and David paid. They left.
“好啊,为什么不呢?”阿曼达回答说。其实她现在已经有点醉了。 大卫又点了杯“螺丝钻”鸡尾酒递给她。阿曼达一饮而尽,大卫付了账单,随即两个人离开了。

The next morning, Jennifer woke to hear whimpering in the bathroom. She really wasn't ready to wake up, as Amanda and her new boyfriend had come in late and woken her up. They'd been making a lot of noise in the bathroom, too. Jennifer moaned, got up, and walked into the bathroom.

"Amanda? What the hell?" Amanda was asleep in a bathtub full of ice cubes. Jennifer was extremely confused. She looked around the bathroom and saw a note on the counter top. It read: Call 911 if you want to live.

Jen, thinking it a joke, shook Amanda to try and wake her. She wouldn't wake up. Jennifer called 911.

Paramedics arrived at their apartment and took Amanda out of the tub, naked. They rolled her over and, as they suspected -- Amanda's kidneys had been stolen.

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本文标题:英语鬼故事:拨打911(双语) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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