

阅读 :

mere copycat东施效颦


In the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期,770-476 BC), there was a beauty in the State of Yue called Xishi (西施).

She often suffered from pains in her chest, and so she would often walk around doubled over and with her brows knitted.

There was an ugly girl in the village called Dongshi who envied Xishi.

Striving to emulate Xishi, she imitated her stoop, knitting her brows at the same time.

She thought that this made her elegant, but in fact, it only made her more ugly.

Later, this idiom came to be used to indicate improper imitation that produces the reverse effect.

英文中“东施效颦”可以说成“mere copycat”,“mere”有“仅仅”的意思,而“copycat”则可以表示我们常说的“山寨”,也就是“模仿的产品”,所以合在一起就是“仅仅只是山寨而已”,也就是“东施效颦”所表达的含义啦~

比如说,大家都知道美国由好莱坞Hollywood,而印度有一个宝莱坞Bollywood,所以曾有人说“宝莱坞是不是东施效颦好莱坞呢?”,英文表达就是“Bollywood a mere copycat?”,但事实其实不是哈,宝莱坞已经越来越有自己的特色,也有很多广为人知的好电影了。

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本文标题:东施效颦-中国成语故事英语版中英对照 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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