
百喻经之四五: 奴守门喻

阅读 :

§45 奴守门喻

(45) the slave guards the door


once there was a man who was about to take a long trip. he gave orders to his slave and said, "keep a close watch over the door as well as the donkey and the rope".


after his departure, the neighbor was playing music with drew attention of the slave. he put the rope and the door on the ass' back and went to the neighbor to listen to the music. the house was then ransacked by a thief after he had left it. on his return, the master asked the alive what had happened to his house.


the slave replied, "you told me to take care of the door, the ass and the rope. i know nothing about the rest."


again the master said, "the whole idea of watching the door is for you to watch the house. now that the house has been robbed, what's the use in having the door?"


stupid men in the world cling to birth and death (or transmigration) by their lust for life like the slave to the door. buddha preaches to control the six sense organs (the door) without attaching to the six objective fields. in addition, he advises to keep watch on human folly (the ass) as well as all desires (the rope). however, most monks do not follow the teachings of buddhism seeking enviously material offerings from others. even when practicing meditation, they give an appearance to being pure and clean. but their minds are still unsettled by their attachment to the five desires and deluded by sight, sound, smell, taste etc. when ignorance takes over the mind and attachment to desires comes into being, all lost will be the right thought, the enlightened mind and the monastic grades (just as the robbed house of the told story).











圣法法师在《百喻故事广释》中说:人的智识有深浅高低,个性习惯好欲都不同,所以,人讲话做事都有投机不投机。古人说:‘常识满天下 知心能几人。’有人闻一知二,有人闻一知十,有人一闻千悟,有人说东即会到西里去,或一句话说几遍都听不懂。智慧高,修行深的人事事一点即透,凡人智识迟钝,事事都过了才知道,有人相处一辈子都不会了解对方的为人,有人人家一学一动都了如指掌,事先能测知他人的意向。为什么一样一个人,如此天渊之别呢?佛法说:一切皆与宿世因缘有关。

本文标题:百喻经之四五: 奴守门喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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