
百喻经之五八: 二子分财喻

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§58 二子分财喻

(58) the two brothers and their inheritance


once upon a time, there was a ksatriya of the makara kingdom who fell seriously ill, and was aware of the fatal hour. to his two sons he ordered, "after my death, divide between the two of you evenly my effects and money."


after his death, the two sons followed their father's will. but the elder brother complained against the younger of unfairness in their shares. an old man nearby said, "let me teach you how to divide equally your father's fortune." "how!" they asked. the old man replied, "cut all the valuable garments into two parts. then break everything else into two equal parts, such as tray, bottle, bowl, dish, money and so forth."


people laughed at his suggestion. such folly is just like those heretics who use one-sided method of separate answer to all questions.


there are four ways to answer questions as follows:

1. affirmative answer.
for instance: all human beings are mortal

2. separate answer
for instance: the dead will be reborn.
this should be answered separately. those who have no desires at all will not be reborn. those who have desires will be reborn.

3. reversal question and answer.
for example, someone asks: are all human beings supreme ones?" this can be questioned reversely as follows: "are you referring to the three paths of transmigration or to the host of devas?
if you are referring to the former, i should say human beings are supreme. if the latter, i should say human beings are not equals to devas.

4. no answers to questions
if you ask the fourteen difficult questions, such as whether the world has limit or whether human beings have any beginnings or ends.

pretending to be wise, the ignorant heretics divide the four ways of answering questions by only using the separate answer, just like the stupid man giving advice to the two sons to divide all effects and money into two parts.





  ④十四难:乃对于外道以颠倒之见来问难之十四种事,而佛则舍置不答。十四种事指:㈠世间是恒常? ㈡世间是无常? ㈢世间亦是恒常 亦是无常? ㈣世间非恒常 非无常? ㈤世间有边? ㈥世间无边? ㈦世间亦有边 亦无边? ㈧世间非有边 非无边? ㈨如来死后还存在? ㈩如来死后不存在? (十一)如来死后亦存在 亦不存在?(十二)如来死后亦非存在 亦非不存在?(十三)命(我)和身体是同一物?(十四)命(我)和身体是不同一物?



本文标题:百喻经之五八: 二子分财喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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