
百喻经之七八: 与儿期早行喻

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§78 与儿期早行喻

(78) the son's trips


once upon a time, there was a man who told his son one night, "tomorrow i'll go with you to another tribe for some errands."


the son hastened to go there by himself at dawn without telling his father. on his arrival, he was so tired that he did nothing. furthermore, he could not find food. he got very hungry and thirsty. after he came back, his father scolded him and said, "you are very stupid indeed. why didn't you wait for me? you ran back and forth for nothing, only to suffer in vain." he was laughed at by the people at large.

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本文标题:百喻经之七八: 与儿期早行喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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