
安徒生童话:What the Whole Family Said 全家人讲的话

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what did the whole family say? well listen first to what little marie said.

it was little marie's birthday, the most wonderful of all days, she imagined. all her little boy friends and girl friends came to play with her, and she wore her prettiest dress, the one grandmother, who was now with god, had sewn for her before she went up into the bright, beautiful heaven. the table in little marie's room was loaded with presents; there was the prettiest little kitchen, with everything that belongs to a kitchen, and a doll that could close its eyes and say "ouch!" when you pinched its stomach; yes, and there was also a picture book, with the most wonderful stories, to be read when one could read! but to have many birthdays was more wonderful than all the stories in the book.

"yes, it's wonderful to be alive," said little marie. and her godfather added that it was the most beautiful of all fairy tales.

in the next room were both her brothers; they were big boys, one of them nine years old, the other eleven. they thought it was wonderful to be alive, too; that is, to live in their own way, not to be a baby like marie, but to be real smart schoolboys, to get a's on their report cards, to have friendly fights with their comrades, to go skating in the winter and bicycling in the summer, to read about the days of knighthood, with its castles, its drawbridges, and its dungeons, and to hear about new discoveries in central africa. on the latter subject, however, one of the boys felt very sad in that he feared everything might be discovered before he grew up, and then there would be no adventure left for him. but godfather said, "life itself is the most wonderful adventure, and you have a part in it yourself."

英语故事 英语小故事 英文故事 英语童话故事

本文标题:安徒生童话:What the Whole Family Said 全家人讲的话 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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