
格林童话集:The Nail 钉子

阅读 :

A merchant had done good business at the fair; he had sold his wares, and lined his money-bags
with gold and silver.  Then he wanted to travel homewards, and be in his own house before nightfall.
So he packed his trunk with the money on his horse, and rode away.

At noon he rested in a town, and when he wanted to go farther the stable-boy brought out his
horse and said, "A nail is wanting, sir, in the shoe of its left hind foot."  "Let it be wanting,"
answered the merchant; "the shoe will certainly stay on for the six miles I have still to go.  I am
in a hurry."

In the afternoon, when he once more alighted and had his horse fed, the stable-boy went into the
room to him and said, "Sir, a shoe is missing from your horse's left hind foot.  Shall I take him to
the blacksmith?"  "Let it still be wanting," answered the man; "the horse can very well hold out
for the couple of miles which remain.  I am in haste."

He rode forth, but before long the horse began to limp.  It had not limped long before it began to
stumble, and it had not stumbled long before it fell down and broke its leg.  The merchant was
forced to leave the horse where it was, and unbuckle the trunk, take it on his back, and go home
on foot.  And there he did not arrive until quite late at night.  "And that unlucky nail," said he to
himself, "has caused all this disaster."

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本文标题:格林童话集:The Nail 钉子 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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