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A naval officer was of English nationality. He had served in the English Navy for many years. Once he came back home every time, some naughty boys followed him. They asked him to narrate his exciting navigation. This time , he told them a strange nation. There were two colors in their national flag, namely, blue and white. The native people were nearly naked in summer. It was quite natural for them to do that. They cared naught for it because they didn’t have nasty minds at all. But more and more people would visit that place; there was necessity for them to wear clothes. The situation would necessitate it . To add to their beauty, woman painted their nails and wore wooden necklaces around their necks. The native people had narrow range of interests. They liked to make their houses neat and take a nap in the afternoon. What in nature made the nation attract visitors? The native people were very naïve. They were hospitable by nature.

一名海军军官有着英国国籍.他为英国海军服务多年了.每次他一回家,一些淘气的孩子就跟来了.他们要他叙述他激动人心的航海.这次,他对他们讲了一个奇异的国家.他们的国旗是两色的,也就是,蓝白两色.本地的人们在夏天几乎裸体的.他们那样做是很自然的.他们毫在意,因为他们根本就不存在肮脏的念头.但越来越多的人将游览那里, 他们就有穿上衣服的必要性了.形势会使这一点成为必要.为了增添美丽,妇女们涂指甲,在颈脖上戴木制的项链.本地的人们兴趣狭窄.他们喜欢把房子弄整洁,然后下午小睡一阵.本质上这个国家有什么吸引游客呢?本地的人民非常天真.他们天生好客.

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