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本文标题:人世之始 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事

上一篇:开天辟地 下一篇:始祖犯戒


  • The Egg-breaking Champion

      “Juke, aren't you going to the fair this evening?” Mother asked late one afternoon.  “Of course I'm going, Mother. After all, the temple fair comes only once a year.”  “And this year the...

    2018-12-12 英语故事
  • The Goat-Calf

    Once a Leopard and a Jackal came to a village. The Leopard caught a goat, and the Jackal caught a cow. They brought the goat and the cow back. The Leopard put the goat in his field, and the...

    2018-12-10 英语故事
  • 梁上君子

    梁上君子 中文梁上君子在东汉初年,有个人叫 陈寔。有一天,一个小贼溜进了他的房间,躲在房梁上等着陈寔去睡觉再下手。陈寔发现了小偷,把他的家人都召集在一起,说:“人不可以不自强。人不是天生就坏的,坏习惯往往是由不注意...

    2019-01-22 英语故事
  • 佛教故事:Ladyface

      Ladyface    Once upon time, the King of Benares had a royal bull elephant who was kind, patient and harmless. Along with his sweet disposition, he had a lovely gentle face. So he was affectio...

    2018-12-12 英语故事
  • 格林童话: 狼和七只小山羊(英)

    The Wolf and the Seven Young KidsJacob and Wilhelm Grimm  Once upon a time there was an old goat. She had seven little kids, and loved them all, just as a mother loves her children. One day she...

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  • 古德明英语军事小故事:虽 败 犹 荣 (中英对照)


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  • 兔死狗烹

    兔死狗烹 中文兔死狗烹范蠡和文仲是春秋时期越国的两个大官。越王勾践不听范蠡劝告,盲目进攻邻国吴国,结果被吴国打败,他自己也被吴王抓去作苦力。范蠡说服勾践忍受耻辱,假装服从,等待机会再报仇。文仲也多次到吴国拜访,并...

    2019-01-22 英语故事
  • 中国成语寓言故事88:Who Should Take the Seat of Honour?谁坐上座(双语)

    A long time ago, the kitchen chimney of a family was built so straight that when cooking meals, the flames came right out, while there was a big heap of firewood just in front of the ope...

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  • 安徒生童话:Great Claus and Little Claus

    in a village there once lived two men who had the same name. they were both called claus. one of them had four horses, but the oth...

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  • How The Beggar Boy Turned Into Count Piro

      Once upon a time there lived a man who had only one son, a lazy, stupid boy, who would never do anything he was told. When the father was dying, he sent for his son and told him that he would soon...

    2018-12-12 英语故事