
The Bunnies' Adventure

阅读 :

  Bob Bunny scuttled to his burrow and called: “Hey, Betty, I want you!”

  When his sister came out he whispered: “They are hay-making in the big field, and there are four lovely, juicy carrots in Dobbin's nose-bag! I am going to get one for my supper. Coming?”

  “Oh, Bob, it is very naughty, but I do love carrots!” cried Betty.

  So off the two naughty rabbits ran until they reached the field where the farmer was loading the hay wagon.

  So they crept under the hay, but the next moment they felt a hayfork go underneath them and fling them, and the hay, high into the air. Then they fell with a soft bump on top of the hay cart.

  Bob popped his head out to see what was happening. “It's all right, we can jump down in a minute!”

  But just then Farmer Brown called to Dobbin: “Come on, boy, last load home tonight!”

  Old Dobbin shook his head, the hay cart creaked and they were off.

  “They're taking us to the farm!” sobbed Betty. “Then we shall never find our way home!”

  In the lane the trees hung down very low, and suddenly a branch swept a big heap of hay off the top of the cart. Again the bunnies went sailing through the air, and this time they landed on the bank.

  “Why, this is where Uncle Bobtail lives!” chuckled Bob. “We can go and have supper with him!”

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