
The Birthday Party

阅读 :

  Timothy Rabbit had a sister called Louise. In ten days' time it would be her birthday and Timothy and Mother Rabbit thought that they would give her a surprise party.

  Louise knew nothing of the surprise so, on the day of her birthday, after she had opened the family's presents, she and Timothy ran happily off to school. When it was time to go home the little rabbits had a race to who could run the fastest.

  Mother Rabbit opened the door to them and Louise saw in front of her the table covered with delicious food for the party.

  Louise just had time to change into her best dress before the first guest arrived. Soon all the guests had come, except Penny Stickle, and Mother Rabbit decided not to wait any longer.

  Suddenly there was a knock at the door. When Mother Rabbit opened it, there stood Penny Stickle.

  “I am so sorry,” she said, “for not replying to the invitation, but I wanted to be sure I could find Louise just the right kind of present before I came to her party.”

  She held out the little parcel to Louise who thanked her and, full of excitement, began to unwrap the present. Inside she found a necklace, the prettiest she had ever seen. Each bead was a different color and shone brightly like a rainbow. She put it round her neck and Penny told her they were dew-drops gathered very early each morning since the invitation had arrived.

  “So you see,” she said, “I had to be sure I could gather enough to string together to make a necklace for you.” Louise was delighted with it and Penny was put at the end of the table opposite Louise. She was the guest of honour.

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